The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night is a 3D action platformer for Game Boy Advance, positioned as a sequel to The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning. Players guide Spyro on a quest to find his friend Cynder. Initially stripped of his elemental breath powers, Spyro regains abilities such as fire, ice, earth, and electricity while also discovering a new time manipulation skill called Dragon Time. The gameplay focuses on combat, with Spyro using headbutts and elemental attacks, enhanced by defeating enemies to earn blue gems for power upgrades.
The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night is a 3D action platformer which takes place right after the events at the end of The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning. Players control Spyro as he searches for his friend Cynder. Initially, he has lost all of his different breath powers from the first game, but he gradually recovers the ability to breathe fire, ice, earth and electricity. New to this game is the ability for Spyro to slow down time using his newly-learned 'Dragon Time' ability.
While the game has some basic puzzles involving pressing switches, the main focus is still around fighting. Spryo's primary attack is his headbutt, but he can also use his assorted breaths to defeat foes provided that he has enough magic power. He also earns blue gems from defeating foes which will allow him to level up his powers.