The Simpsons: Road Rage is a racing video game for the Game Boy Advance released in 2001, based on the animated television series The Simpsons. Players control various characters, including Homer, Marge, Bart, and Lisa, as they navigate Springfield in a taxi-like gameplay style. The objective is to transport passengers to their destinations swiftly. The game faced legal issues with Sega over similarities to Crazy Taxi, which were settled out of court.
This is the Game Boy Advance version of The Simpsons: Road Rage that was first released in 2001 for PlayStation 2, Xbox and GameCube. The game is based on the animated television series The Simpsons, and is part of a series of games based on the show.
The game stars Homer, Marge, Bart, and Lisa, as well as Mr. Burns and several other characters from the show. The Simpsons: Road Rage is similar to Sega's 1999 video game Crazy Taxi, in that the main objective is to drive picked up passengers to their destinations as quickly as possible. These similarities led to Sega suing Radical Entertainment and Electronic Arts for patent infringement though it was settled before going to court.