The Wild Thornberrys Movie is an action-adventure game for the Game Boy Advance, inspired by the 2002 film. Players guide Eliza Thornberry as she navigates from the Serengeti to London after a dangerous incident forces her to a boarding school. When she learns of poachers threatening elephants, Eliza escapes with the help of her chimpanzee friend, Darwin, to thwart their plans.
Based on the December 2002 movie from Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies, follow the Wild Thornberrys from majestic settings of the Serengeti to the proper streets of London. After an incident in Africa puts Eliza in grave danger, she is sent off to boarding school in London. Upon hearing about an evil plot by poachers to capture the wild elephants of the Serengeti, she escapes back to the wild to stop the catastrophic event and faces her biggest challenge yet. With her ability to speak with animals, Eliza gets help from her favorite chimp Darwin. But will Eliza get back to Africa in time to stop the poachers? Take a ride full of action and suspense with the Wild Thornberrys!