Winx Club is an action-adventure game for the Game Boy Advance focusing on the magical lives of fairies. Players assume the role of Bloom, a 16-year-old Earth girl who discovers her fairy identity. Alongside her friends Stella, Flora, Tecna, and Musa, players engage in quests, collect items, and confront various antagonists, all set in a vibrant fantasy world.
Join the Winx Club and prepare for an interactive adventure of fairies, fantasy, fashion and magic! Take on the role of Bloom, a 16 year-old Earth girl, who discovers she is a magical fairy! Meet Bloom's fairy friends, Stella, Flora, Tecna and Musa and battle with them against the evil witches in this most exciting girls adventure ever! Featuring a wide range of community-based activities and collectibles, The Winx Club will whisk you away on an unforgettable adventure!