World Reborn is a horizontal shooter developed for the Game Boy Advance. Originally created by an indie team in the early 2000s, the game features RPG elements set in a world where humanity has lost its historical records. Players select stages, battle enemies, and collect experience points and pickups to enhance their ships. The game's progress is saved through a password system. It was released online in 2008 and later as a cartridge by Piko Interactive in 2015.
World Reborn is a GBA Horizontal Shooter that was developed but not released back in the early 2000's. The game was developed by an indie team which then later moved on to developing bigger licensed-franchise projects for publishers.
World Reborn is not like your normal shooter game, as it is also a game with role playing game elements as well. In World Reborn we are introduced to a world where mankind has lost all records of its history, discoveries, and their achievements In this horizontal shooter you will choose your stage and attack back at the enemy. Collect XP from kills and from pick-ups in the stages and rank both yourself and your ship up to increase your combat abilities. 6 powerful pickups that will enhance or change your weapon, give secondary fire, boost your speed and more will be at your disposal. All your progress in this game will be safe through the use of an intricate password save.
The game was released on the internet by the original developers in 2008 and later released in cartridge form by Piko Interactive in 2015.