Dexter's Laboratory: Robot Rampage is an action platformer for the Game Boy Color based on the animated series Dexter's Laboratory. Players control Dexter as he attempts to take back his lab from Mandark's rogue robots. The gameplay involves navigating elevators, avoiding hazards, and utilizing Dexter's various outfits and high-tech weaponry to defeat enemies across multiple challenging levels.
Robots are running amok in Dexter's lab! Based on the popular cartoon series, DEXTER'S LABORATORY: Robot Rampage for the Game Boy Color puts you in the little boots of the Dexter as he tries to reclaim his lab from Mandark's invading mechanical mayhem. You'll have to ride elevators, dive down shafts, hide in shadows, and occasionally blast the robotic intruders as you hunt down your evil nemesis. There are three different outfits you can wear to make infiltrating the lab easier: wear your standard lab-coat or one of two special robo-suits, depending on what the situation calls for. You can also use Dexter's high-tech weapons to dispatch the enemy through level after level of fast and furious action.