Donald Duck Quack Attack is a side-scrolling platform game for the Game Boy Color released alongside 3D console versions. Players control Donald Duck as he embarks on a quest to rescue Daisy Duck, who has been kidnapped by the sorcerer Merlock. With the help of Gyro Gearloose and a teleporter prototype, Donald must navigate diverse locations to recover the stolen blueprints and save Daisy.
Released in conjunction with 3D versions on consoles, Donald Duck's adventure on the Game Boy Color is a traditional side-scrolling platformer.
The evil magician Merlock has kidnapped Duckburg Times reporter Daisy Duck. Donald Duck turns to Gyro Gearloose for help, who suggests using his latest invention: a powerful teleporter. Unfortunately, Merlock learns of their plans and steals the blueprints to the device. Now Gyro uses the unfinished machine to teleport Donald to various locations, where he is to find the parts of the blueprints, so he may confront Merlock and rescue Daisy.