Hamster Club: Oshiema Chuu is the fifth installment in the Hamster Club series for Game Boy Color. Players engage with quizzes and variety shows centered on hamsters, unlocking mini-games by answering questions correctly. Scoring well in these mini-games rewards players with diverse four-frame animations. The game also features Hamster Shindan, allowing players to diagnose which hamster character matches their owned character.
The fifth in the `Hamster Club` series. Aim for Dr. Hamster with quizzes and variety shows! Questions about various things about hamsters in a quiz format. You can get a mini-game by answering correctly and leveling up (1 to 6 steps). In addition, you can get rewards (24 kinds of 4-frame animation in total) by scoring the mini game! !! In `Hamster Shindan`, you can diagnose which hamster character you own is close to which hamster character in `Hamster Club`.