Honkaku Taisen Shougi Ayumu is a shogi game for Game Boy Color, supervised by renowned player Taku Morishita. It features three AI difficulty levels tailored to player skill, providing a range of competitive challenges. The game includes shogi classes with over 100 tsume shogi puzzles for extended play. Players can also engage in matches against friends using a communication cable, enhancing the multiplayer experience.
This is the first shogi game supervised by Taku Morishita, who has always participated in A-class title battles, afflicted A-class players, and was nicknamed the `runner-up man.` There are 3 COM levels according to the player's level. Even the beginner level did not suddenly make an unthinkable foolish move, and made everything from `a little weakness` to `demon strength`. You can play against your friends using the communication cable. In addition, there are shogi classes and the next move. In the shogi class, there are more than 100 questions about tsume shogi, which is enough to enjoy for a long time.