Jankyuusei: Cosplay Paradise is a Game Boy Color title featuring Tsumorou, a Gutara university student nearing graduation. The game combines mahjong gameplay with a narrative focused on Tsumorou's unique teaching practicum at two different schools. Players engage in story mode and free match mode, unlocking various cosplay options and character interactions as they navigate the challenges of building trust and skill in mahjong.
The main character is Tsumorou, a Gutara university student who is scheduled to graduate next spring. The major is the teacher's egg in the teaching process. The time for practical training is finally approaching for the protagonist who has been a student. However, I wanted to practice teaching differently from others, so I decided to go to two schools and do each for a week. How can we make this training fruitful ... So the hero wondered. I wanted to make a club by making the best use of mahjong, which I am good at, and build a relationship of trust with the students. If you can't get the trust in your area of expertise, then the hero isn't a teacher. Will there be a demon or a snake? Okite-breaking educational training is about to begin! A dream mahjong battle with 12 characters, straddling the two worlds of the two major elf titles, `Classmate` and `Lower Classmate`! There are two game modes, a `free match mode` where you can enjoy mahjong in earnest with two or four players, and a `story mode` where you can make the other girl cosplay in various ways if you win the game. The cosplay screen scrolls all over! You can see the girl's slightly embarrassing facial expressions and gestures. If you clear `Story Mode`, you can proceed to `Interleague Play` where you play mahjong with the characters of the two schools. Cosplay that cannot be seen in story mode is added.