Kanji de Puzzle is a puzzle video game for the Game Boy Color, focusing on the mastery of 1006 kanji characters typically learned during elementary school. Players engage in various mini-games that cover antonyms, synonyms, stroke order, okurigana, homophones, and idioms. The game includes four modes: Spartan Z, Kankuro, Kanji Puzzle, and Elephant Dragon, serving as both entertainment and an educational tool for young learners.
You can enjoy the world of puzzle game magazines published in various ways on GB. Most of the kanji to be asked are 1006 kanji learned in the 1st to 6th grades of elementary school. Acquire perfect while playing antonyms, synonyms, stroke order, okurigana, homophones and idioms. There are four types of games: Kanji quiz `Spartan Z`, Kanji crossword `Kankuro`, `Kanji puzzle`, and original puzzle `Elephant Dragon`. It can also be used as a kanji learning tool for children from general education.