Lufia: The Legend Returns is a role-playing video game developed by Taito for the Game Boy Color. Set in a world threatened by the resurrection of the Sinistrals, the player assumes the role of a descendant of the legendary hero Maxim. As Doom Island awakens, players embark on a quest to confront the looming evil and uncover their destiny, blending exploration, puzzles, and combat.
The island of the Sinistrals, Doom Island, sank deep into the sea after the second Doom Island War. It was believed to be in an eternal sleep, but has once again begun silently beating, preparing to make its appearance in the sky for the third time. The evil Sinistrals have again been resurrected and released an unforseen terror on the land. A force has awaken witin you... a spiritual flow that draws you to a conflict that will save the world! The power of Maxim's legendary bloodline lives in you... The thread of destiny guides you through an adventurous journey looking for an unknown destination!