Matchbox Emergency Patrol is an action-adventure game for the Game Boy Color, set in Matchbox County. Players assume the roles of a firefighter, police officer, or paramedic, responding to various emergencies. Each of the three characters has unique missions based on real-life scenarios, requiring players to assess and manage situations that could involve crimes or accidents, with a total of nine distinct missions.
Who do you call when there's an emergency in Matchbox County? The Matchbox Emergency Patrol, that's who! Play as a firefighter, police officer, or paramedic in this high-energy challenge based on real-life crises. Whichever hero you choose, you'll receive word of a situation over your radio, hop in your designated vehicle, and navigate your way to the scene of the potential disaster. Of course, there's really no way to know exactly what the scene is going to be when you arrive, so you'd better be on your toes. You might find a robbery in progress, but it might just be two people having an argument, so use your best judgment as to how to handle the situation. Modeled after the Matchbox Emergency Patrol series of die-cast toy vehicles, MATCHBOX EMERGENCY PATROL (the game) is an in-depth adventure revolving around crimes, accidents, and medical emergencies. There are nine different missions for each of the three emergency workers, making it a very diverse game.