Men in Black 2: The Series is a Game Boy Color action-adventure game inspired by the animated television show. Players assume the role of Agent J, who must thwart an alien invasion by locating and defeating 12 different extraterrestrial species. Utilizing various weapons, including the iconic Noisy Cricket, Agent J navigates through stages, facing shape-shifting foes while advancing the storyline through animated sequences.
Based on the cartoon series of the same name, MEN IN BLACK: The Series 2 starts with aliens invading the Earth. It is up to a covert organization, known only as Men In Black, to stop the invasion. You take the role of Agent J as he hunts down 12 different alien races, including the Skraaldians and the Fmeck. Luckily, J has a wide range of weapons to help him put an end to the alien menace; most notable is the Noisy Cricket. While most aliens are relatively easy to spot, some can change shape and will not reveal themselves until J gets close to keep your eyes peeled. When a stage is cleared, you are treated to an animated sequence that advances the plot. Will the Agent J be able to save the world? Play MEN IN BLACK: The Series 2 and find out.