Rescue Heroes: Fire Frenzy is a children's video game for the Game Boy Color that features five mini-games centered around a firefighting theme. Players engage in activities like matching animal images in a memory game and replicating color sequences in a Simon-like challenge. The game also includes action-oriented tasks such as rescuing individuals using a jet ski and dropping water from a helicopter. Players can print earned medals using the Game Boy printer.
If you have a little one who is ready to start playing videogames, then you should give RESCUE HEROES: Fire Frenzy a try. There are five mini-games to play; some are versions of classic kid's games, but with a fire theme. One is simple game MEMORY where players must match pictures of animals to rescue them from a fire, while another is similar to SIMON where players must memorize and repeat color combinations. Some of the other games are more action oriented and will challenge anyone's skill. For example, one game calls for the player to ride a jet ski to rescue people stuck on the other side of a river and drop buckets of water from a helicopter. If you have a Game Boy printer, the medals and awards earned can be printed. Now you can help a young gamer get started with RESCUE HEROES: Fire Frenzy.