Battle of Kingdom, a Game Boy title from 1991, was developed in collaboration between Meldac, Live Planning, and Lenar. The game, exclusive to the Japanese market, incorporates elements of board games into the gameplay mechanics. Players control a kingdom, strategizing to overcome numerous battles. They are required to wipe out a minimum of 92% of the on-field monsters to make progress. Each level symbolizes a distinct skirmish in an overarching narrative centered on vanquishing an unspecified evil dwelling in a skull castle.
Battle of Kingdom is a 1991 Game Boy video game that was jointly created by the Meldac, Live Planning, and the Lenar companies. It was only released for a Japanese market.
The object is to lead a kingdom through various battles using the format of a traditional board game. In order to advance to the next battle, players must destroy at least 92% of the monsters on the battlefield. Each stage represents a battle in a high fantasy campaign to save the world from an unknown evil force (that resides in a skull castle).