Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge is an action platformer for the Game Boy, released in 1991. The game follows Christopher Belmont as he confronts Count Dracula, who has transformed his son Soleiyu into a demonic servant. Players navigate four intricately designed castles, utilizing weapons like the Mystic Whip and Holy Water, while collecting power-ups to defeat various enemies and ultimately rescue Soleiyu.
Fifteen years after vanquishing the emperor of evil, Count Dracula, Christopher Belmont now faces a vampire swearing vengeance. Drac's back. And he's turned your son, Soleiyu Belmont, into a deadly demon to do his dirty deeds. Now not only do you have to rescue your kid from the Count's clutches, you have to first track him down in four creep packed Castles. Fortunately, you posses weapons like armor piercing Battle Axes, beast burning Holy Water, and the Legendary Mystic Whip. And you can increase your arsenal with power up items like Crystal Balls, Hearts, and Candles. Strap on your shield and step into the shadows. That is, if you're prepared for the dwellers of darkness.