Contra: The Alien Wars is a run-and-gun video game released for the Game Boy in 1994. Set in the year 2636, players combat an alien invasion led by Red Falcon. The game features side and top-down perspectives, emphasizing fast-paced action across five levels, including the Streets of Neo City. Players navigate various obstacles while defeating enemies and utilizing weapons to thwart the alien threat.
Welcome to 2636 the year the notorious Red Falcon gets even-with an unprecedented alien onslaught orchestrated to push the Contra forces to their ultimate reaches. Plunge through a molten massacre on a high speed voyage to the guts of the archenemy alien. Check out the side and top perspectives that engulf you in a 3-D sensation. Pick off solar slimedogs while you scale over walls swing from girders and ropes whatever it takes to defeat Red Falcon's allies. Sweat through five gut-splitting stages including the Streets of the Neo City and the Mucho Grande Badlands.