Dragon Ball Z: Gokuu Gekitouden is a video game for Gameboy, progressing from the aftermath of Goku's clash with Vegeta through to his ultimate confrontation with Frieza. It reflects the storyline of the 1991 game, Dragon Ball Z II: Gekishin Freeza, with most characters from the Namek Sage being opponents in the story mode, including Zarbon and Frieza's additional forms.
It includes five characters for players to control, comprising Goku's Super Saiyan transformation. The gameplay in Gokuu Gekitouden unfolds in real-time, unlike previous games in the series. The game boasts numerous bonus elements, like minigames and a tournament mode.
Dragon Ball Z: Goku Gekitou-den takes place immediately after Goku's battle with Vegeta and ends with Goku's final battle with Frieza (similar to the 1991 video game Dragon Ball Z II: Gekishin Freeza). Most characters from the Namek Saga can be fought during the story mode, including ones such as Zarbon and Frieza's transformed states.
The game features five playable characters, as well as Goku's Super Saiyan transformation. In Goku Gekitōden, moving about and fighting is in real time, unlike its predecessor. The game also features many extras, such as minigames and a tournament mode.