Final Fantasy Legend is a role-playing video game developed by Square for the Game Boy, released in 1989. It is the first installment in the SaGa series, featuring a blend of traditional RPG elements and unique character development. Players can choose from multiple character classes and explore various worlds while engaging in turn-based combat. The game is notable for its innovative features and non-linear gameplay structure.
This project used Skygor's Skill Clarity patch as a base to go forward and put skill names in proper case. However, this is no longer available on RHDN.
File: Final Fantasy Legend, The (USA).gb
CRC32: 8046148F
MD5: D5C27FF8 CB1B69CB 56DF4FF1 70E2BAF0
SHA1: 901DFC83 C72E172D 35A37683 5807FC78 8444A9BB
Final Fantasy Legend: Final Fantasy Legend I Proper-caser Game Wiki
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