This is basically a text edit for FFLegend. I retranslated all the inventories, (items, monsters, ability names, etc.) and made a few general edits to the dialog to bring it more in-line with these edits. The changes attempt to reflect literal translation accuracy wherever possible, but there are a few strings where I either used close approximations, or had to take somewhat of a creative license due to space constraints.
I did *not* keep all Japanese-related concepts literal, instead preferring to use analogous terms. (i.e., Western equivalents of Japanese historic or mythological figures) The only exceptions, of course, are the Four Symbols: Gen-Bu, Sei-Ryu, Byak-Ko and Su-Zaku, as they are so strictly canonical and should not be changed.
I made minimal edits to the game dialog, only making edits where necessary to reflect an updated item name. Frankly, trying to assemble a DTE table for the game was a nightmare.
A few other notes:
- GP was changed to Kr, to reflect "Kero" (the game's original currency)
- There are some quirky strings in the game; such as "He don't" when trying to replace a still-living character at the guild - I did not edit these, as I don't have a completed DTE table to work with
- I used some of the bug-fixes from another hacker's patch, since I had forgotten they were already applied to my copy of the ROM before I made the text edits (hopefully, he doesn't mind; but I have no way to contact him for proper permissions)
Final Fantasy Legend - text fix / re-translation edit v0.2
This is basically a text edit for FFLegend. I retranslated all the inventories,
(items, monsters, ability names, etc.) and made a few general edits to the
dialog to bring it more in-line with these edits. The changes attempt to reflect
literal translation accuracy wherever possible, but there are a few strings
where I either used close approximations, or had to take somewhat of a creative
license due to space constraints.
I did *not* keep all Japanese-related concepts literal, instead preferring to
use analogous terms. (i.e., Western equivalents of Japanese historic or
mythological figures) The only exceptions, of course, are the Four Symbols: Gen-
Bu, Sei-Ryu, Byak-Ko and Su-Zaku, as they are so strictly canonical and should
not be changed.
I made minimal edits to the game dialog, only making edits where necessary to
reflect an updated item name. Frankly, trying to assemble a DTE table for the
game was a nightmare.
A few other notes:
- GP was changed to Kr, to reflect "Kero" (the game's original currency)
- There are some quirky strings in the game; such as "He don't" when trying to
replace a still-living character at the guild - I did not edit these, as I
don't have a completed DTE table to work with
- I used some of the bug-fixes from another hacker's patch, since I had
forgotten they were already applied to my copy of the ROM before I made the
text edits (hopefully, he doesn't mind; but I have no way to contact him for
proper permissions)
UPDATE: Fixed some strings.
File: Final Fantasy Legend, The (USA).gb
CRC32: 8046148F
MD5: D5C27FF8 CB1B69CB 56DF4FF1 70E2BAF0
SHA1: 901DFC83 C72E172D 35A37683 5807FC78 8444A9BB