Gargoyle's Quest II - The Demon Darkness, originally named Makaimura Gaiden in Japan, is an action platform video game designed for the Game Boy, released in 1993. The protagonist is a demon, Red Arremer, also known as Firebrand outside of Japan, who first appeared in Ghosts 'n Goblin. Initially intended for an English language release under the title Gargoyle's Quest II, the localisation plans for North America eventually fell through.
Makaimura Gaiden: The Demon Darkness is a action platforming game released in Japan for the Game Boy in 1993. It is the second title for the handheld platform featuring the demon Red Arremer (also known outside of Japan as Firebrand, a boss from Ghosts 'n Goblin) as the player character. The game was originally set to be localized in English as Gargoyle's Quest II, but North American release plans were eventually cancelled.