Jungle Strike is a tactical helicopter shooter for Game Boy, serving as a sequel to Operation Desert Strike. Players navigate various missions to thwart the plans of Ibn Kilbaba, who seeks revenge against America after the death of his father. Partnering with drug lord Carlos Ortega, Kilbaba aims to develop a nuclear weapons program in South America, prompting players to engage in combat and strategic gameplay to prevent disaster.
Some time after Operation Desert Strike, Ibn Kilbaba, son of Kilbaba Sr., threatens to annihilate America. After his father was killed, the people who were under his control sent his son running off, along with his father's money and nuclear weapons program. Kilbaba, more ruthless than his father, longs for revenge for his father's death and decides to shed the blood of those who killed him, the Americans. Already armed, Kilbaba hires Carlos Ortega to help him set up his nuclear weapons program, deep in South America. Carlos Ortega, the world's most notorious drug lord, also yearns to seek revenge. With his own private army, armed with the most hi-tech weapons, he's ready to fight America at all costs.