Kid Dracula is a platform game for the Game Boy that serves as both a remake and sequel to the original title on the Nintendo Entertainment System. Players control Kid Dracula, a young vampire with magical abilities, as he navigates various levels filled with enemies and obstacles. The game features unique transformations, including turning into a bat, and retains a whimsical tone throughout its spooky adventure.
His pearly fangs drive the girls wild, while his dead-of-the-party sense of humor makes them scream. He's Kid Dracula, star of the mythical Transylvania 92010, and the coolest living corpse ever to stake his claim on the Game Boy. If you thought Mario had a way with magic, you should see junior jugular's spellbinding powers, including the mesmerizing bat transformation. Poof! Nobody wings it better than Kid Drac.
This game is both a remake and a sequel to the original Kid Dracula, on the Nintendo Entertainment System.