Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge is a platform game developed by Capcom for the Game Boy, released in 1991. The player controls Mega Man as he battles through stages filled with Robot Masters created by Dr. Wily. The objective is to defeat the eight Robot Masters, acquire their abilities, and confront Wily in his fortress. The game features classic side-scrolling gameplay and challenging combat mechanics.
Dr. Wily's most challenging robot masters will be there when you pump up the GameBoy. And knowing the maniac he is, he's probably concocted a new one or two. Can you survive the eight empires before you break into Dr. Wily's lab? Well, if you experienced MegaMan before, you know it's no day at the beach. But good reason to get going on MegaMan in Dr. Wily's Revenge. Now.
* When the stompin' cyclops springs into action, you better step on it.
* The swooping copterheads just might be your greatest challenge yet.
* If the giant fan is blowing, only a ledge-jump will save you from the spikes.