Nectaris GB is a Japan-exclusive rendition of the Nectaris series for the Gameboy, otherwise known as Military Madness in North America. This version incorporates a novel approach to turn-based strategy warfare that unfolds in a science fiction-inspired setting on the moon. Leveraging a hexagonal grid, it uniquely allows players to create and transfer customised gaming maps to others through an infrared modem dubbed the KISS-Link. Additionally, it encourages gamers to download maps via the internet on a PC and subsequently upload them to the game cartridge using the KISS-Link.
This Gameboy port of Nectaris (AKA Military Madness in North America) was only released in Japan. It is a a turn-based strategy war game with a Science Fiction theme, set on earth's moon. The game is played on a hex-grid. This installment of the franchise includes a map editor which allows players to create game maps and even transfer those maps to another player wirelessly through an infrared modem called the KISS-Link. Another unique feature of this game is the ability to download maps off of the internet using a PC and transfer them to the cartridge through the KISS-Link.