Noobow is a Gameboy puzzle-platform game that revolves around a protagonist, represented by a popular Japanese chocolate icon. The gameplay involves picking up and utilizing items to prevent the celestial entities, the sun and rain, from clashing. Successful object placements are indicated by their disappearance, confirming correct choices by the players.
The game is partitioned into seven levels wherein Noobow steadfastly avoids jeopardizing his own safety. Level progression is accomplished by helping characters present at specific goal points and successfully reaching these targets.
Noobow is a puzzle platformer featuring a Japanese chocolate mascot. The aim of the game is to pick up objects and use them wherever they're needed in order to stop the sun and rain from fighting each other. After using the objects in the right places they disappear to confirm that players have made the right choice.
There are 7 levels in the game and Noobow will always refuse to put his life in danger. Completing each level is done by reaching the goal and assisting the characters that are waiting there.