Picross 2 is a puzzle game developed for the Game Boy and released exclusively in Japan. As a sequel to Mario's Picross, it retains the grid-based gameplay focused on solving logic puzzles to reveal images. The game introduces a world map and features larger puzzles composed of four connected 15x15 grids. Players can choose between Mario and Wario, each offering unique sets of puzzles.
Picross 2 is a Japan-only game for the Game Boy and the sequel to Mario's Picross and Mario's Super Picross. It keeps most of the same elements of its predecessor, as it deals with a grid and solving puzzles to form images. But unlike the first Mario's Picross, this game contains a world map. Also, the pictures are larger, consisting of four 15x15 picross boards. Both Mario and Wario return and each have different sets of puzzles to solve in the game, giving the player a variety in gameplay.