Pokémon Blue Version, released for the Game Boy, is an enhanced adaptation of the original Japanese Blue, distinct from its English counterpart. This version restores gameplay elements such as wild Pokémon encounters and in-game trades found in the original while incorporating updated graphics. Pokémon Blue serves as a third installment following Japan's Red and Green versions, aiming to reflect what a localized release could have been.
This is a very simple edit of the English version of Pokémon Blue which changes several things such as in-game trades, wild Pokémon and Game Corner prizes to match those of the original Japanese Blue version.
Red and Green were the first two versions in Japan, with Blue being released roughly a year later as a third version (similar to Crystal, Emerald, etc.)
When the games were localized for the west, they used the wild encounters, in-game trades and Game Corner prizes from the original Red and Green, while using the graphics from the updated third version.
This patch aims to restore Blue version as the third version, rather than the modified Green version it's been released as.
Note: This is not meant to be a "translation" of the original Japanese version. The point of this hack is to turn Blue into what it would have been, had it been released in the west as a third version. Therefore, minor details such as copyright dates are left unchanged.
Most of the edits have been done by me, but some of the more subtle differences in wild encounters between the Japanese Blue and the English Blue have been edited in by somebody else. All credits go to them for this (I really don't remember who it was, sorry.)
No-Intro Name: Pokemon - Blue Version (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
(No-Intro version 20130802-061634)
ROM/File SHA-1: D7037C83E1AE5B39BDE3C30787637BA1D4C48CE2
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