Final Fantasy Adventure: Seiken Densetsu Restoration is a fan-made hack of the original Game Boy title Seiken Densetsu, known as Final Fantasy Adventure in North America. This restoration project aims to revert the localization changes and censorship, restoring the game to its original graphics and title. It includes both IPS and BPS patches for user preference.
Seiken Densetsu is the first game in the Mana series. However, upon localization, the title was changed to Final Fantasy Adventure in North America, and Mystic Quest in Europe. On top of this, there was some minor censorship done to the game. This hack aims to restore the English localization back to the original title, with censors removed. Therefore, all regional changes to the graphics except for the HUD have been reverted.
Included are both an IPS patch and a BPS patch; each are identical in function, so which one to use relies solely on personal preference.
Seiken Densetsu is the first game in the Mana series. However, upon localization, the title
was changed to Final Fantasy Adventure in North America, and Mystic Quest in Europe. On top
of this, there was some minor censorship done to the game. This hack aims to restore the
English localization back to the original title, with censors removed. Therefore, all
regional changes to the graphics except for the HUD have been reverted.
Included are both an IPS patch and a BPS patch; each are identical in function, so which
one to use relies solely on personal preference.
ROM Information
No-Intro Name: Final Fantasy Adventure (USA)
(No-Intro version 20130802-061634)
ROM/File SHA-1: 8B93C55EE2660C60CF86DD70058F96ACE98782C8
Patched ROM/File SHA-1: E24EB4A11E553B9FB085570E03C855C5532D68CD
No-Intro Name: Final Fantasy Adventure (USA)
(No-Intro version 20130802-061634)
ROM/File SHA-1: 8B93C55EE2660C60CF86DD70058F96ACE98782C8
Patched ROM/File SHA-1: E24EB4A11E553B9FB085570E03C855C5532D68CD
Final Fantasy Adventure: Seiken Densetsu Restoration Game Wiki
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