Super Robot Taisen is the inaugural game of its series, available for Gameboy. The game incorporates sentient robots from the Universal Century Gundam, Mazinger and Getter Robo series. Uniquely, it stands among the few standalone games in the series with a multiplayer mode, not repeated until Super Robot Wars XO was released. The primary objective of the game is seizing the enemy army's tower, with Spirit Commands accessible solely to the unit designated as the team's hero. The game concludes with a final showdown against Gilgilgan, the key antagonist from Great Mazinger vs. Getter Robo.
The first game of the series, which only features sentient robots from the Universal Century Gundam series, Mazinger series and Getter Robo series. It is one of the only independent games in the series to feature a multiplayer mode; it is not done again until the release of Super Robot Wars XO. Unlike future games, the goal is to capture the enemy army's "tower," and Spirit Commands can only be used by the unit that is designated the team's "hero." The final boss of the game was the main villain from Great Mazinger vs. Getter Robo, Gilgilgan.