Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue is a platform game developed for the Game Boy. In this installment, the Turtles' leader Michelangelo must navigate through Cyber Shredder's complex lair to rescue his captured brothers. Featuring unique moves and strategies, players guide Michelangelo through various levels filled with enemies and obstacles in a quest to thwart Shredder's plans.
The whole sewer crew, except Michelangelo, is captured in a most heinous hideout. Who could be behind this travesty? Who else. Shredder has returned as Cyber Shredder - half-man, half-machine and he's created this twisty-turny fun house of Turtle torture. Use Turtle strategy and all new moves to help Michelangelo rescue the gang from Cyber Shredder's Fortress.