Conan is an action-adventure game for GameCube, set in the fictional land of Hyboria. Players embark on a journey through five expansive regions, including the frigid Cimmeria and the lush jungles of Dafar. The game features exploration of hidden temples and catacombs, battles against ten powerful bosses, and skill development through various weapons and combos. A multiplayer mode offers combat in multiple arenas.
Complete Conan's quest across 5 vast regions of Hyboria, from the icy Cimmerial to the steaming jungles of Dafar!
Find your way through endless secret temples, cursed catacombs and forgotten caves!
Defeat 10 fearsome bosses!
Develop your fighting skills with 16 types of sword, axe and mace, plus 50 different combos!
Follow the quest and find all lost parts of the legendary Atalantean Sword to combine them into the ultimate weapon!
Live in the deep, exciting storyline created in the spirit of Robert E Howard's original Conan tales!
Battle against your friends in the 11 arenas in 3 battle modes, Death Match, Body Count and Time Challenge!