Donkey Kong Jungle Beat is a platform game developed by Nintendo for the GameCube, centered around Donkey Kong utilizing the DK Bongos for gameplay. It was initially released in Japan on December 16, 2004, followed by launches in Europe, North America, and Australia in early 2005. The game was later re-released as part of the New Play Control series and became notable for being the first to receive an E10 rating from the ESRB.
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat is a Nintendo GameCube video game featuring the ape Donkey Kong and played with the DK Bongos. It was released in Japan on December 16, 2004, in Europe on February 4, 2005, in North America on March 14, 2005, and in Australia on March 17, 2005. In 2008 and 2009, the game was re-released in the New Play Control! series of revamped Nintendo GameCube titles. This is the first game to be rated E10 by the ESRB.