Looney Tunes Back in Action is an action-adventure game for GameCube that follows Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck on an epic quest to locate the legendary Blue Monkey Diamond. The game features diverse locations including Hollywood, Las Vegas, Paris, and Africa. Players navigate various challenges, utilizing platforming mechanics to thwart the schemes of the villainous ACME Corporation and protect the world.
Looney Tunes Back In Action is a hilarious adventure featuring everyone's favorite cartoon two-some, Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, in a globetrotting scavenger hunt to find the mythical Blue Monkey Diamond. From Hollywood to Las Vegas, from Paris to Africa, our roving heroes must run, jump, slide, and bounce their way through a heap of cartoon perils and put an end to the sinister plans of the evil ACME Corporation in an effort to save the world.