Metroid Prime is a 3D action-adventure game developed for the GameCube, marking the first 3D installment in the Metroid series. Players control bounty hunter Samus Aran as she explores the planet Tallon IV, following the Space Pirates and confronting her nemesis Ridley. The game features a blend of first-person shooting and exploration, set against a richly detailed environment that highlights the Chozo's ancient civilization.
A 3D exploration-focused metroidvania with first-person shooting mechanics and the first 3D entry in the Metroid series, Metroid Prime follows Samus Aran after the events of Metroid (1986) as she boards a Space Pirate frigate, then chases her escaping archrival Ridley into the intricately structured Tallon IV, a planet full of deadly wildlife and former home to the advanced and ancient Chozo race.