Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly is the fourth installment in the Spyro the Dragon series, released for PlayStation 2 and Nintendo GameCube. Players control Spyro as he navigates various worlds, utilizing vehicles such as Hunter's Manta Ray and new additions like the tank and Spitfire attack plane. The game was marred by development challenges, resulting in significant criticism for its technical issues and perceived lack of quality.
Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly is the fourth game in the Spyro the Dragon series and the first Spyro game to be on the PlayStation 2 and Nintendo Gamecube. Gameplay is similar to the previous three console games. The only playable character is Spyro, however he can man several vehicles: Hunter's Manta Ray and the UFO's make a return appearance from Year of the Dragon, alongside two new vehicles, the tank and the Spitfire attack plane.
The game faced development issues that affected the final product, which resulted in being poorly made. Upon release, it was widely criticized for its numerous glitches, long loading times, and choppy framerate, with fans and critics calling it the worst entry in the franchise.