Super Mario Strikers is the inaugural title in the Mario Strikers series released for the GameCube. The game presents a fast-paced interpretation of soccer that lacks traditional rules and referees. Players can utilize unique power-ups and special strikes worth double goals. Matches are conducted on a smaller field with five players per team and can be timed from 2 to 15 minutes, defaulting to 5 minutes. If scores are tied at the end, Sudden Death determines the winner.
Super Mario Strikers is the first game in the Mario Strikers series, it features a version of soccer without referees and rules and has power-ups and special strikes which count as two goals. In comparison to actual soccer, the game features a smaller version of the soccer field and each team has only five members instead of the usual eleven-a-side rule. The match time can be manually set from 2 to 15 minutes but is defined as 5 minutes by default. If time runs out when scores are level, a Sudden Death follows the regular game time where next goal wins.