WWE WrestleMania XIX is a professional wrestling video game developed by THQ for the GameCube, released in 2003. Players engage in a narrative focused on revenge featuring iconic WWE superstars such as The Rock, Steve Austin, and Hulk Hogan. The game introduces an enhanced story mode and gameplay mechanics, offering fans a deeper and more immersive wrestling experience compared to its predecessor.
The Main Event!
All the biggest names in the WWE, including The Rock, Steve Austin, Goldberg, Hulk Hogan and Vince McMahon vie for the WrestleMania XIX title in a story of revenge.
In the world of professional wrestling, main events don't get any bigger than Wrestlemania. With the GCN release of THQ's Wrestlemania XIX, WWE fans can take a crack at the coveted title belt. Wrestlemania XIX features a Rikishi-sized mass of improvements over last year's title, including an all-new story mode and improved gameplay.