Zapper: One Wicked Cricket is an action-adventure game developed for the GameCube, featuring Zapper, a cricket on a quest to rescue his brother from the evil magpie queen. Players navigate through six distinct worlds filled with traps and adversaries, employing quick reflexes and strategic timing to overcome challenges and defeat the magpie queen.
Zapper is an action-packed and addictive game that starts with the 'avoid-em-up' game play mechanics of Blitz Games' own Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge, and then takes the action to a whole new level. In this action-adventure game, Zapper (a cricket) hops his way through six interactive worlds in a quest to find his brother, held captive by the evil magpie queen. Dangerous traps and even more dangerous enemies await Zapper. It will take fast-footed skill and timing to conquer all the worlds and survive the final showdown with the magpie queen.