AshGuine Story II: Kokuu no Gajou is a game developed for Microsoft MSX2, set in a time where a ceaseless dispute is nearing its end, instigated by Azumural, a celestial third race. As two nations warred, the Azumurals advanced their scientific prowess, eventually mastering flight technology. Their ruthless temperament led to a short-term alliance with the Ghouls to invade Eletria. This invasion disrupted the battle equilibrium, cornering the Eletrians in their sole fortress–Nesha Castle.
The time had come to put an end to the long and unproductive battle. This was brought about by the Azumural, the third race that came from the heavens. While both countries were fighting, the Azumural steadily developed their scientific capabilities and in the end even acquired aviation technology. They got to know about the world beyond the Ring. Because of their brutal nature they made a temporary alliance with the Ghouls and invaded Eletria. The balance of fight largely deteriorated and the Eletrians barricaded themselves in the last remaining fortress Nesha Castle