"Feedback" is a game designed for the Microsoft MSX2, centered around the story of a rogue dimensional control computer, Laxis, which malfunctions due to unknown interdimensional energy in 691 AD. The protagonist dons a power suit called Arouza, equipped with a dimensional controller, embarks on a mission to locate and annihilate Laxis, initially beginning in space. The game play uses a third-person perspective, in the style of Space Harrier, and allows characters to engage with enemies emerging from the horizon. As the stages progress, characters also have the ability to traverse planetary surfaces. Arouza is equipped with two weapon systems: a gun and target-seeking missiles, with limited ammunition. Power upgrades can be obtained after defeating specific enemies. The game includes challenging end-of-level bosses, with only a single life to spare, albeit with a power bar.
In year 691 of the celestial calendar, the dimensional control computer "Laxis" ran amok under the influence of an unknown interdimensional energy, striking out against mankind. Using its dimensional powers, Laxis escaped to another era. Using your dimensional controller-equipped power suit, the Arouza, you must hunt down and destroy Laxis.
Starting out in space, you control Arouza, which bears an uncanny resemblance to the metal knights in Herzog, as it flies towards the enemy. In the Space Harrier vein, you see your character from behind while enemies appear from the horizon. On later stages, set above the planet surface, the resemblance is stronger, especially since you can run on the ground. You have two weapon systems, consisting of a gun and target-seeking missiles, which have a limited supply. Arouza can be upgraded using powerups released when killing certain enemies. Upgrading is a good precaution before you encounter the end-of-level bosses, since you only have one life (with a power bar, mind you) to waste.