Les Passagers du Vent is a video game created for the Microsoft MSX2 platform. This game draws its narrative from François Bourgeon's 80s French comic series, meticulously following the series' storyline. Set in the historically tumultuous period of the impending French Revolution, the gameplay follows characters Hoel and Isa, thrown into Brittany due to adverse circumstances. The adventure encompasses a multitude of perils as they journey from Europe to Africa, exploring the mystery of Isa's true identity. Players manage the actions of not only the brave protagonist and a steadfast and affectionate sailor but also over fifteen other characters residing in the late eighteenth century.
Based on François Bourgeon's French comic book series from the '80s, the game follows the series' plot very closely.
As the French Revolution is about to begin, Hoel and Isa find themselves in Brittany after a series of unfortunate events. They will face a thousand dangers, travel from the European to the African shores, in a quest to discover truth about Isa's real identity.
The player controls, in turn, the actions of the daring heroine, the courageous and loving sailor, and more than fifteen other characters living towards the end of the eighteenth century.