Super Cooks is a spin-off of Golvellius II that was launched in 1989 on Disc Station Special #2 for Microsoft MSX2. The protagonist is Kelesis, who embarks on a journey into the realm of cuisine. The gameplay involves mastering five levels of culinary arts and earning four qualifications to take on Golvellius. The character Randar provides vitality restoration, while the player starts with a frying pan as a weapon, but can acquire more through the game.
A parody of Golvellius II released in 1989 on the Disc Station Special #2.
You play as the character Kelesis who enters the world of cooking. You must
learn the culinary arts in five stages, and get 4 degrees before facing Golvellius.
You will find Randar, who is there to restore your vitality. Your starting weapon
is the frying pan, but you will get new ones in your quest.