Zombie Hunter is an action role-playing game developed for Microsoft MSX2, bearing similar gameplay elements to Zelda II. The game revolves around a catastrophic event in the city of Palma, where Dolgo, the spirit of the earth, seizes the Life Seeker, the world’s life energy regulator. This unfortunate event leads to the citizens of Palma losing their souls. The game's protagonist, decreed by the air spirit, is tasked with recovering the Life Seeker from Dolgo. Players gain experience points by defeating enemies and can utilize an assortment of weapons and armor from their inventory.
The city of Palma has always been protected by the spirits of the four elements. However, Dolgo, the spirit of the earth, revolts and makes off with the Life Seeker, the controller of the world’s life energies, to his underground lair. In doing so, the people of Palma begin to lose their very souls. The spirit of the air has ordered that a champion needs to be found, to retrieve the Life Seeker from the clutches of Dolgo. You are that champion. Zombie Hunter is an action role-playing game, somewhat similar to Zelda II with its side-scrolling battles. You receive experience from defeating your enemies and you have an inventory complete with armor and weapons.