Adventure Island Classic is a side-scrolling platform game developed by Hudson Soft. Initially launched in Japan as Takahashi Meijin no Bouken-jima for the Famicom and MSX in 1986, it was later released in North America for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988 and in the PAL region in 1992. The game is adapted from the arcade title Wonder Boy and led to multiple sequels.
Hudson's Adventure Island, also known simply as Adventure Island and released in Japan as Takahashi Meijin no Bouken-jima, is a side-scrolling platform game produced by Hudson Soft that was first released in Japan for the Famicom and MSX on September 12, 1986. It was later released in North America for the Nintendo Entertainment System on September 1988 and in the PAL region in 1992 under the title of Adventure Island Classic.
Adventure Island is an adaptation of the arcade game Wonder Boy, originally published by Sega for developer Escape (now known as Westone Bit Entertainment). Adventure Island was followed by a series of sequels that were independently developed by Hudson Soft.