Arumana no Kiseki is an action-adventure game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The plot centers on the theft of a magical red jewel called Arumana, which results in an entire village being turned to stone. Players control Kaito as he navigates six expansive levels to reclaim the jewel. Armed initially with throwing knives, Kaito can find additional weapons, including bombs and a crystal ball, while battling various creatures and soldiers.
A magic red jewel, known as the Arumana, is stolen from an unnamed village. A thief runs off with the jewel and turns the entire village into stone. Kaito must travel through six cavernous levels in search of the stolen jewel, Arumana.
The player begins with thirty throwing knives as his weapon of attack. As they venture through the levels they can find various other weapons. These include bombs, a handgun, bolas, a crystal ball that destroys everything on screen, and mines. He must destroy various cave dwelling creatures as well as soldiers, who sometimes drop weapons.