Bakushou Ai no Gekijou is a virtual life board game developed and published by Coconuts Japan Entertainment for the Nintendo Entertainment System on December 29, 1990, in Japan. The game draws inspiration from the Bakushou Jinsei Gekijou series, incorporating elements of chance that influence life events while emphasizing teenage life and romance instead of broader life themes typical in other simulation games.
Bakushou!! Ai no Gekijou is a virtual life board game developed and published for the Nintendo Entertainment System by Coconuts Japan Entertainment on Dec 29th, 1990 in Japan.
Capitalizing on the popularity of simulation and dating games from the late eighties, specifically the Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou series developed by Taito, this game follows many of the genre's tropes from chance rolls dictating life events, to gathering money and physical traits that benefit the player's life. Unlike the Jinsei Gekijou series however, Ai no Gekijou opts to focus on teenage life and romance in particular, rather than the wider scope seen in other life-simulation titles.