Bakushou Jinsei Gekijou 3 is a virtual life board game developed by Taito for the Nintendo Entertainment System, released in Japan on December 20, 1991. As the third entry in the Bakushou Jinsei Gekijou series, it supports up to four players who navigate a virtual board, experiencing life from childhood to old age while making significant life choices through chance rolls.
Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijoh 3 ("Burst of Laughter!! Theater of Life 3") is a virtual life board game developed and published for the Nintendo Entertainment System by Taito on December 20th, 1991 in Japan. It is the third installment in the Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou series and follows in the same tradition by allowing up to four players to take part and travel around a virtual board through chance rolls, playing out a virtual life in its entirety from childhood to senior citizenship making important decisions along the way.