Bomberman is an action video game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1987. Players control Bomberman, a robot tasked with navigating through a series of enemy-filled mazes. Using bombs to defeat enemies and clear obstacles, the player aims to escape an underground compound. The goal is to reach the surface and achieve the elusive transformation into a human while facing increasing challenges.
Bomberman is a robot engaged in the production of bombs. Like his fellow robots, he had been put to work in an underground compound by evil forces. Bomberman found it to be an unbearably dreary existence. One day, he heard an encouraging rumor. According to the rumor, any robot that could escape the underground compound and make it to the surface could become human. Bomberman leaped at the opportunity, but escape proved to be no small task. Alerted to Bomberman's betrayal, large numbers of the enemy set out in pursuit. Bomberman can rely only on bombs of his own production for his defense. Will he ever make it up to the surface? Once there, will he really become human?